Paper Quilling

At the Chennai Book Fair this year, I spent a good five thousand rupees buying books for my brats and also to gift to a few other kids! At the end of the purchase, I figured out that I hadn’t bought a single book for myself! Now, be nice and say what a good mommy I am to endure such changes as putting myself last 🙂 It’s another thing that I got myself a Paper Quilling and a Madhubani Painting kit, something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time! But it does not count, right? The stuff was sitting idle on my shelf, with all the covers intact until the need came! Vyas had to do a greeting card for his mommy as part of his craft class, and his next project is a paper bag!

Here’s what he did with a little help from me.. I helped him roll the strips on the pin and he did the rest.. He insisted on using chamkis which i wasn’t too happy about, but it is his project and he did it the way he wanted it.. He wanted to keep in ‘simple’ not for the aesthetics aspect, but sheer laziness to spend a little extra time on intricate or elaborate designs! Lazy BUM! Still, it turned out nice.. He wouldn’t tell me what he was going to write on the card though.. I’ll get to see only when it is returned after assessment 😐

The pics:

Its already Diwali-2011?!!

Its pouring in Chennai and the weather is lovely!

Vyas is happy because people will not be able to burst crackers:) Varun is neither here nor there.. He tried lighting a few sparklers and he did! But jumps out of his skin every time he hears an atom bomb explode some 100 miles away!

Here are the cards Varun made for his ‘payshkool’ teacher and her two assistants wishing them a happy Diwali. He held it out and told all and sundry that he did that himself. Which is true by the way. I helped cut a straw for the stalk, poured few drops of poster colours in a bowl he picked, gave him the white cards (that i use to make flash cards) and few bits of pencil shavings.. He made impressions of his thumb wherever I pointed, glued the other bits himself.. He seemed to enjoy doing it.. Must spend more craftsy-time with him… (that’s a note for myself:))

1.The pink flowers in two cards are finger paints. His thumb finger:)
2.One card has leaves made of green scrap paper and the other is made using straw.
3.The other flower petals are pencil shavings..
4.A coloured sequin is stuck in the center.


Submitting this entry for Shruti’s contest this month after a looooooooonnnnng time!


‘August’ Entry for Artsy Craftsy :-)

We made a couple of cards and puppets. The cards were easy to make and took less than 15 minutes each. Vyas took a little longer to cut out the puppet shapes, but did that fully on his own.. Seems like a nice craft for the age group 5 to 9..


Materials used: Shells of pistachios for the petals, green grams for the leaves, yellow mustard seeds for the pollen, a thread colored green for the stalk (did not have a green thread, so colored it) . Just stuck all these together using fevicol glue.

Ice cream:

Materials used: Pencil shaves for the ice cream scoops, a small piece of yellow scrap paper for the cup.

Greeting Cards

Puppets: Lion and the Frog

Materials used: Paper plates, a night-bulb carton, crayons for coloring

Vyas drew the faces of a lioness and a frog onto a paper plate. Colored and cut the shapes and ‘dug’ holes for the eyes. Then glued a strip each cut from the carton for the puppet handle….

Lion and the Frog

There was an another card that Vyas made using the pencil shaves and he’d written : HAPPY EX-DEPENDENCE DAY! on it. Whatever that is!! He put it away somewhere and scooted to his cousin’s place last night. Could not find it in the ‘possible’ holes, so no pics:-( Now, over to Shruti!